
The Community of Practice on “Data sharing, information and communication technology serving MSP” target to evaluate of coherence of the MSP data and information available across borders. The CoP will also provide recommendations to authorities and data users regarding MSP plans dissemination and interoperability through the existing mechanisms and sea basin.

This group aims to share knowledge and information to build further on existing regional maritime initiatives and project outputs related to the definition of MSP plans data models.


In order to highlight and illustrate data and tools needed for enforcing and future planning, as well as stakeholders involved, the CoP will rely on a description of a study case in the North Sea for maritime navigation. Another case study will be study for the all regions which will be dedicated to the blue corridor/ Marine Protected Area as the CoP participants have collaboratively chosen together.

Maritime safety of navigation is also a key driver in addressing the objectives of the MSP Directive as it guarantees limitation of the environmental disasters. It also needs to assured, regardless of the MSP planning scenario. The task will investigate the linkages between maritime safety of navigation and MSP plans.

Cooperation Method

The first CoP meeting was held on Friday, January 28th and was attended by 14 people. They now have to choose the level of involvement they want to have in the CoP.

Meetings or Workshops will be organized every 3 months and the CoP will be informed of events and CoP actions by newsletter and emails frequently.

CoP partners will be able to communicate through an exchange platform.

Ready Results

All final deliverables & policy briefs are available in Results



CoP Leader


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