Community of practice, Data sharing, Ecosystem-based approach, General, Monitoring and evaluation, Ocean governance, Science policy interface, Sustainable blue economy

Key eMSP NBSR outcomes in “Oysters with a pearl” podcast series

“Oysters with a pearl” the podcast series presenting the key outcomes of the eMSP NBSR project!


Ever wondered how the ocean’s tapestry is meticulously planned and preserved? Join us on “Oysters with a pearl”, a captivating podcast series dedicated to unveiling the intricacies of maritime spatial planning. Each episode is a treasure trove, exploring how we balance protecting marine life with human activities, guided by expert voices and real-world stories. Discover the pearls of wisdom that guide us towards a sustainable marine future, ensuring our seas remain flourishing for generations to come. Tune in and let the waves of knowledge wash over you!

In the face of the challenges we face in the North Sea and Baltic Sea we remember, ‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor`. Our podcast series confirms that the strongest insights come from those who value knowledge sharing, to jointly develop and implement strong marine plans.

Click to open podcast at Youtube!

Get your copy of our policy briefs to read all the recommendations at our Results page: 

All podcast episodes were produced in period from March to May 2024 by Kira Gee, Maritime Spatial Planning expert at German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH).

Prepared by Margarita Vološina (VASAB Secretariat) June, 2024