Community of practice, General, Sustainable blue economy

Get to know Sustainable Blue Economy and MSP considerations made in Finland

This is another amazing outcome of the eMSP NBSR project – support of the new MSP round and planners as well as an update of sustainable blue economy picture in Finland.

Finnish maritime spatial planning cooperation followed an approach of learning and practice community to immerse in three themes: the progress of marine energy production, the future of marine food production and the state of marine nature. In the format of several workshops with stakeholders and experts these themes were studied firstly separately and later altogether with cross-cutting topics of European Green Deal targets, climate change adaptation and mitigation requirements and not the least protection and restoration of fragile ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.

Finally, the concept of MariPark developed in eMSP NBSR Project was taken further. Multi-use and multipurpose areas in Finnish marine waters were examined and all related coordination, administration and permitting issues were reviewed and discussed.

Here in a story map  read about all details and see the case of Eurajoki MariPark (in English, for Finnish click here).

In eMSP NBSR Project the lead of  Sustainable Blue Economy community of practice and the development of Maripark concept was done by Blauwe Cluster (Blue Cluster) vzw, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Netherlands Enterprise Agency – see all findings and recommendation in special policy brief.

Prepared by Margarita Vološina (VASAB Secretariat) April, 2024 and based on