
september, 2022

29sep14:0016:00Workshop: Sustainable oceans by governance and planning – dream or reality @ EUSBSR Annual Forum

Event Details

About EUSBSR Annual Forum and the Program

About the Workshop


It is planned that representatives of several Learning Strands of eMSP NBSR project (Ocean Governance, Ecosystem-Based Approach, Sustainable Blue Economy) will participate in the workshop – if planning to participate in face-to-face EUSBSR Annual Forum consider to join the workshop!

Workshop: Sustainable oceans by governance and planning – dream or reality. Baltic Sea perspective.

PA Spatial Planning

After adoption of Baltic Sea MSP Roadmap 2030, maritime spatial planning in the region entered a new phase. Key goal formulated in the new Roadmap for the period emphasizes sustainable development of the region and building a sound basis for a new cycle of maritime spatial planning. Objectives of the Roadmap are closely linked to the key goals of the Baltic Sea Action Plan and VASAB Strategic Vision, which are supposed to be presented at one of the main events of the Forum.

The Roadmap objectives laid basis for the main actions of Policy Area Spatial Planning of the EUSBSR, reflected in its Workplan. Since the Policy Area is aimed to facilitate progress towards the Roadmap objectives, organization of knowledge transfer and seeking synergy between various related project is one of the role of the Policy Area. The workshop shell be intended to launch a continuous dialog between various projects related to maritime and land-based planning, including land-sea interaction.

Baltic Sea region is an integral part of the global ocean, which makes sustainable ocean governance one of the regional policy objectives. In this respect cooperation with other sea regions and mutual learning are of high priority. Several MSP related projects, involving partners form Baltic Sea region, have been recently launched under various financial programmes. The workshop aims to provide a communication platform for these projects assuring cross-project collaboration resulting in joint contribution to the implementation of the regional, European and global marine policies.

Time and date.

Workshop is planned for two hours in the afternoon 29 September 2022 (14.00-16.00).


Workshop will be jointly organized by HELCOM and VASAB acting as coordinators of Policy Area Spatial Planning.

Contacts: Liene Gaujeniete 

and Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky



(Thursday) 14:00 - 16:00


Lappeenranta, Finland

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