september, 2023
19sep12:0018:00CoP on Sustainable Blue EconomyFace-to-face

Event Details
Multi-use and policy advise towards a sustainable blue economy in the North and Baltic sea, using marine spatial planning and legislation – on 19/09/2023 in the afternoon! Based on the insights
Event Details
Multi-use and policy advise towards a sustainable blue economy in the North and Baltic sea, using marine spatial planning and legislation – on 19/09/2023 in the afternoon!
Based on the insights of the discussions during earlier CoP meetings, a number of recommendations have been developed and brought together in a policy brief.
During the CoP meeting in Stockholm, this Policy Brief will be presented so as to test the validity of these recommendations and to obtain input to further strengthen them.
Face to Face in Stockholm.
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome
13:05 Update on LS SBE, multi-use and Maripark, our policy brief towards a SBE! Marijn Rabaut, International Marine Policy Expert at Blue Cluster
13:30 Update on SBE from DG Mare, the European Commission Pauline Caumont, Policy Expert at DG Mare, European Commission
13:45 Panel discussion about SBE developments, global transitions, MSP and a Maripark Marjoleine Karper, senior project manager at Dutch Enterprise Agency
14:30 Coffee!
14:45 Workshop “The success of the development of SBE requires an overall vision on the future of our oceans and seas. How do we envisage this for 2050 and beyond?”
16:45 Wrap-up and conclusions
17:15 Refreshments
Contact person: Kinnie De Beule ()
Royal Institute of Arts, Flaggmansvägen 1, 111 49 Stockholm
(Tuesday) 12:00 - 18:00
Flaggmansvägen 1, 111 49 Stockholm, Sweden