Ocean governance

CoP-meetings, cross-project collaboration and North Sea Seminar

On September 9, 2022, the Ocean Governance learning strand had its second Community of Practice (CoP)-meeting digitally with a total of 38 participants from the North Sea and Baltic Sea region. The meeting consisted of discussion based on the Zero-Draft ocean governance and MSP policy brief for the North Sea and Baltic Sea region (NBSR) compiled by the scientific fellow of the learnings strand, Dr. Larry Hildebrand, as well as presentations from Lise Schrøder (Aalborg University), Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky (HELCOM) and Elina Veidemane (VASAB secretariat).

The discussion on case studies was also initiated. In the subsequent meetings with CoP-members, it was decided that the learning strand will focus on two case studies:

  • Case study 1: Undertake a detailed case study of the ocean governance dimensions of MSP practice within the NBSR, ideally in common with the other learning strands of eMSP NBSR project and VASAB Vision 2040.
  • Case study 2: Focus on the feasibility of the MariPark-concept within the NBSR (collaboration with the learning strand on Sustainable Blue Economy).

Currently, comments and suggestions are being addressed for the Zero-Draft which will ultimately become a backgrounder on ocean governance and MSP in the NBSR.

The Ocean Governance learning strand recently had a session with The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) who is leading a new EU project CrossGov that will investigate the interaction between all European regulations that affect governance of Europe’s seas and coasts. The aim of the session was to explore synergies between our projects and hopefully the two projects will be able to benefit from each other. The learning strand is currently co-planning a digital seminar on the MSP situation in the North Sea together with the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), planned to take place in mid-February/mid-March). A 3rd CoP-meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is expected in the first quarter of 2023.

If you wish to be a part of the Ocean Governance learning strand’s Community of Practice and be the first to get the latest news, please indicate that by sending an e-mail to Jesper Ødegård Jacobsen, Head of Section, Danish Maritime Authority – .

Prepared by Jesper Ødegård Jacobsen (Danish Maritime Authority) & Margarita Vološina (VASAB Secretariat) December, 2022