Overview of good Ecosystem-based Approach (EBA) practices in MSP and how it can be utilized to analyse gaps in international EBA framework.
The Community of Practice (CoP) on EBA will be held online on 2 December, 2022, 10-13 EET/9-12 CET (timeframe may be adjusted according to feedback from participants).
Intention and objective:
-To deepen a joint understanding of EBA in MSP based on current best practices.
-To discuss a gap-analysis approach as the next step
See Invitation and Draft Agenda HERE
Read about the eMSP Learning Strand Ecosystem-based Approach HERE
You are kindly invited to register to the workshop by sending an email by the 28th September to
and including
information on your contribution to the workshop programme.
The workshop agenda will be further developed and invitation to Zoom meeting will be circulated to the
participants no later than a week before the Workshop 25 November 2022.