Community of practice, Ocean governance, Ocean Governance events.

1st Ocean Governance-meeting: An overall sense of building and benefiting from an active Community of Practice

Organizers: Danish Maritime Authority

As part of the eMSP NBSR EU-project, we are building a Community of Practice (CoP) around the Ocean Governance learning strand. The first CoP-meeting was held digitally on April 27, 2022. 22 participants with a wide range of perspectives on ocean governance provided an overall sense of building and benefiting from an active Community of Practice.

The ocean and its seas are of high importance to coastal nations where the sea plays a significant role for the green transition, blue bio-economy, as a source of food and jobs and for recreational activities. The demands on sea areas have increased along with this development, and at the same time, an increasing number of activities are developing offshore. The rising level of activity at sea therefore requires improved joint cross-border ocean governance among neighbouring regions such as the Baltic and North Sea.

At the meeting, we discussed key concepts and definitions with the aim of finding a common understanding to ignite the learning strand. The VASAB Vision 2040 was mentioned as one potential concept for ocean governance. The development of case studies relevant for the Ocean Governance learning strand was also discussed and will be further discussed at our upcoming CoP-meetings in June and September/October. Several suggestions on case studies with governance aspects and a potential joint case study on cross-border and transboundary cooperation were mentioned.

The minutes from the meeting will be e-mailed to the invitees and the participants. Should you wish to receive the minutes as well or be a part of the Ocean Governance learning strand’s CoP, please indicate that by sending an e-mail to Jesper Ødegård Jacobsen, Head of Section, Danish Maritime Authority – .